Sunday 1 December 2013

Franz Josef Glacier (NZ Day 9)

New day has begun and we have a new destination! This time it is Franz Josef Glacier which is just around the corner. Only about 30 minutes away from Fox Glacier.
The day started with rain and we where not sure how much we will be able to see from the glacier but we went to see it anyway. When we arrived the rain was so heavy that we didn't even wanted to get out of the car, so we where waiting for it to stop. After some time the rain was gone and the sun came out. It was nice to see the sun for the first time in west coast of New Zealand. It is interesting how climate is changing here. We drove from one coast to another and saw green meadows, very dry areas, snowy mountains, and here we see jungle around us and glacier in front of us! I haven't been to another country where climate is changing so much and so fast.
So when the rain was almost gone, we started our hike to the Franz Josef Glacier. It takes about 1.5 hours as a round trip, but we wanted to take some photos so it took us a little longer.

This is area where weather conditions change rapidly and streams may rise without warning. The photo taken from information stand shows how the same place can change in just a couple of hours...

Valley with no water and with a river just couple hours later
Weather Conditions at Franz Josef Glacier
It is because of big cliffs that guide all the rain water to the valley. So the rain what we had before could cause the same changes in the valley. Here you can see how the glacier looked in 1867 ...

First photo ever taken of a glacier, White Ice and snow wall
Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand -1867
Today we have to walk to the glacier much more because it is moving back every year. There is even forest growing in the place where the glacier was before. This is how it looks today...

Travellers walking on a track in a rocky valley to see a glacier
Franz Josef Glacier and the Trail to it
And all this valley once was covered in a glacier...

View to Franz Josef Glacier rocky Valley with forests and small stream
Franz Josef Glacier Valley
In general what you see in photos is almost all what we saw and you can't see much more because of ice and rock falling hazards in this area. At all times we heard rocks falling from the cliffs around us. Rain water make these cliffs to brake down and fall in to the valley and some of those boulders are big. The weather for us could be better but I guess for the place where it rains almost every day during the winter and a lot in the summer, we where lucky to see the sun! :) Take a look at photos of Franz Josef Glacier and see yourself how big it actually is...

Photo of snowy and icy white Franz Josef Glacier between gray cliffs and rocks
Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand
Ice and snow from glacier and cliffs just near by
Cloffs VS the Ice Wall of Franz Josef Glacier
Photo of rocks and melting ice of a glacier and Ice cave
Melting Glacier Ice at Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand
Smiling tourist at Franz Josef Glacier standing in a rocky Valley
Martins at Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

Photo of two guys standing between two waterfalls in glacier valley with steep cliff behind them
Franz Josef Glacier Waterfalls in the Valley
Photo of two yellow signs warning about falling rocks and snow or ice in a valley
Warning! It's a Glacier! 
Girl standing in a rocky valley and rock is falling on her head
Falling Rock and Eva Just Below
After this little tour we had enough time to see something else and because we had a couchsurfing host near Ross, then we decided to see what the town has to offer to us. At first we arrived and didn't expect much but Ross is famous with it's gold. It was established in the 1860s, during the West Coast Gold Rush, where it became an important centre for miners. At its largest, the town had around 2,500 inhabitants, but the population declined after local goldfields were depleted in the early 1870s. Quartz was occasionally mined on Mount Greenland, a nearby ridge, but little more gold was found until two miners discovered a large 3.1-kilogram nugget in 1909, which was later named the "Honourable Roddy Nugget", after Roderick McKenzie, the Minister for Mines at the time. Unfortunetely all tourism activities where closed at the time when we where there and all we could do was to go and see what was left from open-cut or open-pit where the mining happened and that was about it. Sad because we expected much more from this place. I guess the goldfields mining centre was the place where to see it all in action... Well - we had a FunDay in Ross
anyway! :) We found our gold rubber and we took a look at the village buildings so not too bad in the end.

Gold Rubber in a Ross Gold Town where two people are having fun
FunDay Road Trip at Ross Gold Town, New Zealand 
After our gold tour we went to see how our couchsurfing host Annie and her family is doing. They live in large house in the country side near to the Ross just by the sea. That is great location and we as a couchsurfers enjoyed our stay with Annie's family.
I remember how we first drove in to their backyard... They have 3 or more dogs and I think they all where welcoming us! :) Eva is a little scared of dogs and it was funny when she stayed in the car to wait till those dogs will be in safe distance, but when I stepped out of the car one of them immediately took the drivers seat and didn't want to leave our car! :)  Eva was in shock! :D But still brave! :)
Almost right after we left our bags in our room we had a tour to private beach led by one of Annie's girls (Katie, if I am not wrong) and it turned out to be great. The beach was was not damaged by tourism and looked so wild! I believe that it is great to live in location like this! Take a look at the beach! It is so cool!

Photo of a rocky and sandy beach in partly sunny day
West Coast Beach, New Zealand
After this walk to the beach Eva and girls (Katie and Jessica) started to get creative! :) They made some cupcakes with unique design o each of them! :)

Two white and one black girl having fun while making cupcakes
Eva and Girls Making Cupcakes
Three girls are decorating cupcakes
Cupcake Decoration Process
12 fun looking different home made cupcake designs
Best Cupcakes in New Zealand
 Looks fantastic! Right?? Well I loved them! :) We had them with tea during nice chat about history and travelling. It was great evening and little things like this one we love, because people and activities are the ones who make us to remember great things much better! :)

See what we did during our next FunDay HERE!

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