Saturday 7 December 2013

Glowworms and Underworld Cave Rafting (NZ Day 11 Part_2)

The second part of the day took us in a little bit unusual travel environment. When we arrived at UnderWorld Adventures in Charleston Base we had to get out of our comfortable clothing in to designer wet suits, wet suit socks, boots, gloves and helmet. If I hear a name "helmet" then it means - Lots of fun! :) Unfortunately we where not able to take our camera to this UnderWorld tour, because it was not waterproof at that time, but we got some photos from the tour guide!

We happened to be there when it was busy because of school field trip, but guide took us in separate truck to the Nile River Rainforest Train for transport through the primeval rain forest and towering limestone cliffs of the Nile River Canyon. Once we where there it fas just a short walk to the entrance of Nile River Cave System. Our guide took us in front of the school kids so that we would be able to enjoy the cave system by ourselves and that was great service. During our tour we where going through a calcitic paradise of stalactites and stalagmites in the upper dry levels of the cave which was sunning. Take a look at photos so that you would be able to imagine the beauty of the UnderWorld.

Cave explorers in yellow looking at Stalactites and Stalagmites
Looking at stalactites and stalagmites and
This is just a beginning of our UnderWorld Adventure
Interesting rock formations in the cave and Stalactites and Stalagmites
Later on we saw Shawls Hall
Photo of Stalactites and Stalagmites in the cave and two people looking at them
Absolutely Stunning Cave with Stalactites and Stalagmites
photo of Glowworms in the cave and man looking at them
Amazing Glowworms
In previous photo you can see some of the glowworms what we saw during our tour, but the best part was when we where in our tubes on the water navigating according to glowworms through the cave with our lights turned off. It was amazing. Pitch darkness and hundreds of glowworms where guiding us! The glowworms are mostly located right above the water so it was super easy to navigate for more than 10 minutes without any lights on. It looked like stars in the sky! You have to see this in real life, but take a look at photos as well...

photo of Glowworms in the cave
Amazing Glowworm Cave
Hundreds of Glowworms lights in pitch darkness at Nile River Cave
Glowworms in a Cave
Hundreds of Glowworms in black cave
Glowworms looks like stars in black sky
It was interesting to understand, how the glowworms shines and also interesting that by glowing they are attracting insects that is the only food they have in the cave! The guide knows everything about them, and she answered every single question we had! That was very processional.

After our black river or I should say pitch black cave rafting with hundreds of glowworms guiding us we saw the sun light again! It was so nice to be in the cave that we didn't wanted to get out of it. We think that this could be the most romantic place in the world! :) Nice... 

two cave explorers in huge cave when sun rays are breaking in
At the exit of the Glowworm cave
Two people standing in the cave with big cliffs and green forest in sunny day
At the End of Ineffaceable Journey
Two people standing in the cave with view to forest and sun
FunDay Travel at Underworld Adventure
People having fun while rafting in black tubes on a river
And this is how everyone looked when they came out of the cave! :)
It was a FunDay!
 This was in our must do list a long time and we did it! It was so cool that it is hard to describe it! :) Well if someone is going to see glowworms in New Zealand then we guarantee that this is the best place with the most glowworms in one cave. It might not be as famous as other places but it is just because they are not spending lots of money in marketing and because of this we where able to save our money and see the best glowworm caves in New Zealand! :) The team of UnderWorld Adventures is great and personal attitude in this family business was a thing that made our trip so special!

It was a fun forest train ride back to the base, because there where lots of cows hanging around the train tracks and when we where coming by the train they started tu run back to their home in front of us! :) The train was going slow and didn't hit any of them but it was unique train ride experience as well. We didn't expect to see something like that at all...

In case you want to see and experience what we did then it is best to book the tour in advance. They are quite busy!

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