Thursday 28 November 2013

Lake Wanaka (Day 7 Part_2)

Right after our exciting skydive at lake Wanaka we decided to explore this area a little bit more! There are many things what to do here and if you really like to try different activities then here you could spend two to three days! Well we had only one day so we had to see and do the best what this place has to offer. First we did skydive witch was real fun and good wake up call in the morning. 
We didn't had any breakfast this morning so we decided to have a nice pick nick by the lake right at town centre where we had nice view to the lake and local mountains! :) That was really nice! We had some sandwiches and tea + a peace of cake and don't forget the most important thing - Amazing View! :) 
After our breakfast we went to see one of the most mysterious place in New Zealand!! The Puzzling World... This is fantastic place for all family, young and old and it was Fun time for us as well! This pace is famous with it's world's first "3-D" Great Maze, incredible illusion rooms and a Puzzle Centre/Cafe where you can try out loads of interesting things... It has a large and amazing gift shop where we found many interesting and unique things! With it's eccentric architecture it is possibly the most photographed attraction in New Zealand. We took many photos there and here you can see some of them...

Blonde Girl holding a leaning clock tower
Just outside of Puzzling World Evas is holding the leaning clock tower
Giant vs Dwarf in mystery room, Big girl and small guy
Giant and Dwarf!! How is this possible??
Nice Blond Girl in angle room
Do you think that the angle how Eva is standing is impossible?
Well - she is standing straight! It is the room that is in wrong angle!! :)
Blond girl looking at peace of art
Amazing art and amazing Eva at Puzzling World
Unique wall mural with Roman bath
Amazing Roman Toilet Illusion at Puzzling World!
If you take a look at next photo then you can see that this is just
a mural painting, but it is also changing it's angle as you walk along it! 
Girl sitting in bathroom full with romans
Take a look at the room now!!It still looks so real!! 
Strongest girl in the world holding a leaning building
Eva in front of Puzzling World :)

Another interesting thing was Psychic Challenge!! We didn't participated, but it is very interesting because of the rules and 100,000 NZD prize... 

100,000 $ Psychic Challenge
Note with missing centre clue for psychics
The Psychic Challenge for $100,000
 The History of the Psychic Challenge provided by Puzzling World:

In 1994 Stuart Landsborough, a member of the New Zealand Sceptics Society, created a challenge to test those who claim to deal in the paranormal. 
The original challenge was to find a $50,000 promissory note hidden within a 5km radius of Puzzling World - this was soon reduced to 200 metres. 
In 2006 Stuart, concerned with the media's biased coverage of psychic ability, increased the reward to $100,000 and decreased the search site to just 100 metres!
To demonstrate true psychic talent and avoid random success, the challenger must now find two halves of a promissory note.
Since 1994 seven challengers, five Psychics, one Diviner and one devout Christian, have tried and failed. One challenger required naked "intervention"... Stuart declined the offer!!

If you are ready for it then go ahead! :) We would be able to find some fun in each day but not something like this! :) So after the Puzzling World we decided to see the lake and Wanaka from the top of the Mt Iron waking track. It is about 1 to 1.5 hour return loop way track and we started it just outside and across the road of Puzzling World. It was quite easy and beautiful hike up there and the view from the top is stunning!

Blue lake Wanaka and snowy mountains in cloudy day
The view to Mountains and Lake Wanaka
Blond girl enjoying view to the lake Wanaka sitting on the post.
Eva Enjoying the View

As you can see the lake is huge and Wanaka seams so small from the top of the Mt Iron waking track. The day in the morning was sunny and clear, but when we where at the top of the track it started to cloud, and we thought that this will be the end of our FunDay, but no...

We hiked back to the car and went into the Wanaka to see what else we can manage to do this evening. We where looking for parking by the store and suddenly discovered our next Fun thing what we can do! Cinema Paradiso was just in time and we had a chance to see great movie in the most interesting cinema where we have been so far! This road trip is full of surprises and if you think that cinema is boring and a thing that you shouldn't do while you are on a road trip around New Zealand then you are wrong! Paradiso is special with it's unique style! The most interesting we found two old cars in the cinema where you can sit inside and watch the movie! Maybe chairs from the airplane or maybe dentist office office sounds interesting? This and many sofas are for you to chose from. Take a look!

Car and sofas in cinema, unique style
Cinema Paradiso, Wanaka, New Zealand
Interesting thing what we loved was breaks in between the movie where we could go to cafe and get home made cookies and some other snacks or drinks! It is Cinema, Cafe and a bar - three in one! It was awesome experience!

This was the end of this amazing day and we all know one fact: We will always remember every single minute of this day!

See what we did during our next day HERE!

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