Wednesday 13 November 2013

How we travel by saving money and why our trips are so much fun??

Martin, Eva, Valdis
This Blog is about road trips that we have done all around the world. It is our travel diary and we write it so that we can remember what we have done and what we have seen. Then our friends, and people who want to go travelling can see it and take the best out of it. Here they can see what we have done and maybe someone will take the same route as we did! 

We started our road trip in Christchurch where we arrived with full plan in our heads and computers planned day by day, kilometre by kilometre and sometimes hour by hour. During our travels around the world we have discovered how important it is to plan things in advance to get the best out of your holidays.
We have met many people who are saying: "oh - I don't like to plan my trip. I like to go by the flow and see where it takes me. For me it is more adventures than plan everything day by day. It that case I can be flexible and do what ever I want." Then we meet those people at the end of our road trip and we see that they have done the same route as we did, but they also have done it spending much more time, sometimes even more money and sadly they haven't seen or done as much as we have and then we ask them: "Why you didn't go to see this place or why didn't you do this activity? Those where awesome!!" An they answer: " Oh but I was relaxing with some people in this are for three days and during that time I was planning my next move, and then I discovered this activity but I didn't have enough money to do it, but in the end it was all good!" That is what most of travellers say to us. And then we say to them what we did during this trip and they listen and say: "Wow!!! You did so many things and it sounds like you had much more fun! But in the other hand I wouldn't be able to afford it anyway!"
Well!! The thing is - If you are smart enough and plan your trip in advance, then you don't spend your time and money doing useless things and you don't go to places that are not worth to go. We found out that you can waste so much time if you don't know what you have to do in your trip and the same is with your money. You either over pay for activities that might be over priced or just not as much fun as you expected. You just miss out on so many things if you are not planning your trip! 

There are 2 main reasons why we are writing this Blog. 

  1. To remember what we did in our road trip, to remember places that we visited, our feelings and emotions.
  2. To show other travellers that it is easy to travel and save money and time on many things and at the same time get out of your trip as much as possible during the time you have!   
If you are going to New Zealand and want to see as much as possible and do as much as possible without missing must see places and do all must do things then we strongly suggest to read our Travel Blog and we are sure that you will find many helpful tips and ways how to save your money and in the end you might even go in our foot steps. :)

See our First day in New Zealand Road Trip Here!

Have fun reading and feel free to comment and ask questions!   

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