Friday 15 November 2013

Dunedin (NZ Day 2)

Today we are going from Christchurch (Canterbury) to Dunedin (Otago). The drive takes 4 hours and 26 minutes according to Google maps and believe us - that is the time you will spend on the road. There are almost no traffic lights and definitely no traffic jams on this island! :) This is New Zealand! ha ha

On our way there we stopped in Timaru to get some road snacks and then with little stops on the way we went straight to Dunedin. There we had arranged a place where to stay so we quickly located it and when we met our hosts they suggested some places where to go and what to see today. We already knew that it is worth to see Otago Peninsula because it has been called as a New Zealand Wildlife Capital of New Zealand. :) Well it is true! We went there to see some albatrosses but unfortunately we didn't see too many because they where nesting at that time. The other thing what is worth to see there is this little penguin place right next to the Albatross colony we went don there and it was cool to see little penguin homes (boxes) where they make their nests. We spent couple hours while we where driving around the Otago Peninsula and it was great time there! There is Larnachs Castle castle located on the Otago Peninsula, and we believe it is interesting to visit it if you are into castles! :)
We like to go off the beaten track from time to time and see places that ordinary tourists don't see so we went to see some abandoned bunkers there. New Zealand was afraid of Russian and Japanese invasion during World War 2. They build coastal fortifications around 1885 and there where large underground bunkers connected with tunnels. There where gun emplacements, fire control and observation posts, kitchens and officer quarters. It was interesting to see this because our country has rich war history and many bunkers but none like this.

We will add these pictures to the Blog as soon as they bill be recovered from RAV format. (Sorry about that! We where just playing around with our camera and used wrong picture format that our computer can't read.)

If you are travelling by GPS then these coordinates might be useful for you to locate the bunkers:
S 45° 47.030 E 170° 43.400
UTM: 59G E 478504 N 4929932 

During this day we took a look at Dunedin Railway station that was quite interesting and free to enter of course! Our couchsurfing hosts took us there, and honestly - We probably wouldn't even consider to visit a train station during our stay in Dunedin! :) The train station was opened in 1906 and it was important link for transportin Gold, Coal, Livstock, Wood and of course passengers. The main link from this station was Christchurch.

Dunedin Railway Station

Dunedin Railway Station (inside)

After visiting the train station it was time to go back to our couchsurfing hosts home that we arranged in advance for two nights. We had great conversations and we got some good tips for our travel that we will discuss later in this Blog. I can tell you one - If there weren't couchsurfing then we wouldn't see some great spots and wouldn't be able to know as much about locals life and their life style! We had a great evening, free accommodation and wonderful travel experience! Anything else what a traveller need for a great evening? 

See what we did the following day! :)

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See other days from the Road Trip around New Zealand Here!

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